Listen in on a Provider Meeting
FOR PROVIDERS: The Coalition (ELC) supports potential and current providers. We are available to offer information about starting a new childcare business and enhancing your program. We are also eager to assist providers with questions about the VPK and School Readiness Program. Please contact our Family Services Team at 772-595-6363 Monday through Friday, from 8-5.
Looking to Become a Coalition Provider?
The Early Learning Coalition of St. Lucie County contracts with childcare providers, including licensed and registered family childcare homes in good standing with the Department of Children and Families (DCF). Our contracted providers offer Coalition children quality early learning experiences in a caring environment. They include legally operating childcare providers throughout St. Lucie County.
Providers meeting state requirements and state defined quality standards may be eligible to contract with the Coalition as a School Readiness (SR) and/or Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) provider. Once contracted, a provider must continually meet state standards. The Coalition provides quality initiatives such as training and technical assistance to help providers meet quality standards.
All providers applying for a contract with the Coalition must meet all DCF requirements.
We’ve posted the DCF Requirements Information here, for your convenience:

Looking to Open a Childcare Center?
If you are looking at opening a childcare center for the first time, DCF has some helpful information for you here: a Childcare Center