Our Funders
- Department of Early Learning
- Children’s Services Council
- United Way
- Department of Children & Families
Our Partners
- 211 Help Me Grow
- St. Lucie Reads
- Tykes & Teens
- Roundtable of St. Lucie County
- Kids at Hope
- All Things Treasure Coast, Inc.
- St. Lucie School District
- PNC Grow Up Great Program
Our Funders
Most of the Coalition’s investments are made possible through Federal grants, State funding through Florida’s Office of Early Learning, and local contributions, including funding from the Children’s Services Council of St. Lucie County and the United Way of St. Lucie County. With this funding, the Early Learning Coalition of St. Lucie County provides childcare to eligible children and promotes best practices among early learning providers. State revenues make up the balance of the Coalition’s budget and make it possible to offer every 4-year-old child in St. Lucie County the opportunity to participate in the Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) program.
We take our role as steward of State, Federal and local funds targeted for the delivery of the Early Learning Programs (School Readiness and Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten) in St. Lucie County, very seriously. That’s why we work to ensure that suspicions of possible fraud, misfeasance, misapplication of funds, gross mismanagement and employee/participant misconduct are handled in a swift manner. Click here (http://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2016/1002.9) for more details on the Florida Statute as it relates to suspected fraud.
If you have personal knowledge that someone has provided false information to obtain child care services from the state of Florida, please contact the Director of Family Services at 772-595-6424 X 108.
Link to our funders below:
Children’s Services Council of St. Lucie County
United Way of St. Lucie County
Florida Department of Children And Families
Our Partners
Our Early Learning Coalition is blessed to share partnerships with many organizations who help to make our community stronger and offer additional assistance to our client population. We include information on these partners below, as well as links to their helpful websites.
211 Help Me Grow 
Making sure your child’s development is on track!
Children grow and learn at different rates and monitoring your child’s development can be confusing even for the most attentive parent. 211 Help Me Grow offers an Ages & Stages Screening online for free. If you are the parent/guardian of a child who is between the ages of 1 month and 5 1/2 years old you can visit this link to complete a free developmental screening((the ASQ & ASQ-SE).
Help Me Grow care coordinators will follow up with you on your child’s results. If you have any concern with regards to your child’s behavior/health we strongly recommend you to complete this screening. However, even if you currently do not have a specific concern, screening is recommended for all children to ensure that they are developing happy and healthy!
Help Me Grow also offers:
- Information, Resources, Materials
- Referrals with advocacy and follow-up
- Screenings for health and development
- Enrollment in community programs
- Networking opportunities for families, service providers and community partners
An initiative of Children’s Services Council
St. Lucie Reads is a public campaign to ensure that students are reading at grade level by 3rd grade. Through partnerships with local businesses and organizations, they are working together as a community to support the efforts of: school readiness, summer learning and school attendance. Learn more about how you can get involved and help make a difference in our community here:
Tykes & Teens
Mental Health Matters EVERY Day!
Tykes & Teens was founded in 1996, and has provided mental health services to more than 25,000 local children in need. The non-profit agency is dedicated to strengthening local families and preventing suicide, substance use and other dangerous behaviors by ensuring that all children have access to high quality mental health services, regardless of financial status.
These services include counseling as well as a wide range of specialized programming that helps families cope with issues such as sexual abuse, domestic violence, bullying, school suspension and more.
Tykes & Teens provides outpatient services at three locations in Martin County: Palm City, Jensen Beach, and Hobe Sound, as well as on site counseling in 13 Martin County schools. The agency has recently expanded to St. Lucie, Okeechobee and Indian River Counties, due to the high demand for their evidence based, award winning programming.
Roundtable of St. Lucie County
Our children today face so many obstacles and the Roundtable helps with all of them. The Roundtable brings together executive level community leaders – from the school system, law enforcement, government, social service agencies and more – to address these obstacles and make a real, lasting difference in the lives of St. Lucie County children.
Established in 1995, the Roundtable addresses key risk factors that lead to delinquency, crime and other problem behaviors in children, and strengthening assets to implement initiatives that support children’s success. They operate through “Networks” (or subcommittees) that research specific problem areas and identify best practice solutions. Roundtable members collaborate to assess, plan and implement evidence-based and data-driven strategies intended to improve outcomes for youth.
Reach them at :http://www.roundtableslc.com/
Kids at Hope – A Roundtable Initiative
We time travel – teach children to mentally time travel to their futures in each of four areas where we expect and need children to contribute when they become adults: Home and Family; Education and Career; Community and Service; and Hobbies and Recreation.
To schedule a Kids at Hope training for your agency or organization, visit their website at:
All Things Treasure Coast, Inc.
The Treasure Coast area is here, at AllThingsTreasureCoast.com. On this site you will find a comprehensive visual directory of virtual tours of Treasure Coast attractions and businesses, including, specials, coupons, maps, pictures, and more from around the Treasure Coast. Whether you’re making dinner plans or buying a new home, looking for a map or a menu, you’ll find the Treasure Coast area’s best here. See what the area has to offer by searching the Treasure Coast directory.
AllThingsTreasureCoast.com is your link to Treasure Coast restaurants, hotels, attractions, night life and much more. Check out Treasure Coast area events on the Treasure Coast event calendar. Print Treasure Coast coupons in the specials and coupons area.
St. Lucie School District
We are grateful to have a strong partnership with our St. Lucie Schools. They serve as providers for early childhood programs and we work closely with the Early Childhood Education division and through communications school-wide. https://www.stlucie.k12.fl.us/
PNC’s Grow Up Great Program
Inspiring Great Futures for Young Children
Research has shown that the first five years of a child’s life are critical to long-term achievement. We believe that an investment in pre-K students makes good economic sense and plants the seeds for the dynamic workforce of tomorrow.
To that end, we provide innovative opportunities that assist families, educators and community partners to enhance children’s learning and development, particularly in under-served communities.