Parent Information Packet
The following files make up the complete Parent Information Packet. We suggest that you download and print out every file for your review.
- Family Guide for Selecting Early Learning Programs (opens in a new window)
- Choosing Quality Child Care Check List (opens in a new window)
- Selecting Summer Care (opens in a new window)
- Selecting Care for a Child with Special Needs (opens in a new window)
- What is Accreditation? (opens in a new window)
- Plan on Sick Days (opens in a new window)
- Child Care Food Program Information (opens in a new window)
- Tax Benefit and Credit Brochure (opens in a new window)
- Complaint Policy and Procedures (opens in a new window)
- Community Programs (opens in a new window)
- St. Lucie County Child Care Demographics (opens in a new window)
For more information or to speak with a Child Care Resource Specialist call 595-6363.
* If you have any problems printing these files please call us at 772-595-6363 and we will be glad to mail you copies.