Tell us about your community!
Take a quick survey HERE
The purpose of the survey is to better understand your family experiences, needs, and preferences.
Are you a parent/primary caregiver of a child age birth to 5 years old and want to have your voice heard to help improve early childhood resources? The College of Public Health at the University of South Florida is conducting a survey for Florida’s Division of Early Learning to better understand and give voice to Florida’s families of young children. The survey aims to improve early childhood resources by learning about your child and family needs, preferences, and suggestions for making every Florida community a great place to raise a child. The survey is voluntary, anonymous, and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. The survey is available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, or Haitian-Creole. View and complete the survey HERE
For more information on the survey, please contact Dr. Jennifer Marshall at
(Flyer available in several languages HERE)